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Sunday 6 March 2011

does our environment have a direct effect on our mood?

I've been asking myself this question (^That question. In the title :P) a lot lately. Yesterday, I woke up around 6 as I usually do (I usually work mornings, so my sleep schedule is now permanently weird) and just felt oddly melancholy. The rain outside was turning the parking lot into a mini lake, everything just seemed so grey and lonely... I love rain, don't get me wrong. Particularly of the summer variety, when the grass is cool and damp on bare feet and the sun peeks out once in a while. But this rain was just plain gloomy, and I think it was the reason I felt so gross. I just felt lifeless and energy-less, like I could sleep all day (which is very odd for me as I loathe sleeping). I actually took a frigging nap! I can't even think of the last time I did that.

I think another factor that contributed to this was the current state of my apartment x__x Normally, our place is very clean and tidy as we both like things organized. Lately, though, the kitchen looks like a bomb went off, the bathroom has to be clean, laundry needs to be done.... Ahh adulthood. Yesterday I had plenty of time to do it, but I just didn't feel well and was in a foul mood in general. My wonderful boyfriend said he will do it, but he just hasn't had a chance. Even writing this post right now I feel like I should be cleaning.. I probably would be, except I have to be at work in an hour and a bit and my boyfriend is asleep after working all night.

The weather today is somewhat depressing too.... It snowed a ton last night, and I just want spring to come!!! Even yesterday while hating the rain I was thinking, "At least it has melted all the snow, it will probably get warm after this". HAH. Thanks a lot Canada, you whore.

So my long-drawn-out point is, why do we feel different depending on our surroundings? Why can a bit of rain and a sink full of dishes put us in a bad mood even if we have no reason to be? Maybe I'm just over dramatic and sensitive to such slight changes.

On the plus side, I'm feeling a whole lot more cheerful today, despite soon having to go work for nine hours! I'm actually not really dreading it. We've added a lot of new things to the restaurant I work for, so there will be a bit of a break from the daily grind for the next few days. :D There are a lot of things I actually love about my job. Sometimes it feels more like playing  game than working... Trying to get the quickest drive thru times, working different 'positions' on the floor (ie. front counter, drive thru runner, grill, etc), working as a team... My favourite thing is definitely the people I work with. Everyone is so much fun and we are all like a big family :) We have our drama time to time like anywhere, but overall its a great place to be .

I have to get going, unfortunately, as I have to put makeup on/hair/uniform/walk to work :P
I have more topics in mind so I may blog again later. Is twice in one day allowed? Hope so :P


P.S. Joined a couple link exchanges, check out a site or two if you have a chance :)

1 comment:

  1. Lovely blog Stef:) I saw it when I was at Jen's blog!
